

Mini Vintage Pumpkin Label Crate

I was trying to come up with a packaging idea for my pumpkin tea light candles.  I was at Michaels and they had these cute mini crates for only $1.00. The only thing was I didn't care for the handle on it, but for a buck I would figure something out.  

Wood Crate from Michaels
Elmers Craft Glue
Decoupage Glue and Sealer
Latex Wood Dough

First I had to get rid of that handle.  It was glued in but I was able to wiggle it around to loosen it to come out. Then I filled the holes with some wood dough.  Ahh it looks so much better without that handle! Next I found the labels at  The Graphics Fairy, there is loads of great free vintage clip art on this site. It is my favorite site to find vintage clip art!  I resized mine to around 2 1/2 x 1 1/2 inches and I printed two - one for the front and one for the back of the crate.  I cut the labels out and I completely covered the back of the label with my craft glue.  Place glued label on crate, once dry I put a very light coat of decoupage over it just enough to have some what of a seal.

I am really excited to start making some more crates for my candles. These will make really cute gifts.  I am able to fit 4 tea lights (2 layers of 2 tea light candles) in each crate.  Now I need to find a good vintage lavender label so I can package the lavender tea lights like this too!


  1. Hey :)

    Just found you via the Whimsical Wednesday link up :) I look forward to becoming friends with you and interacting more :)

    This box is sooo cute and what a great way to house your candles very individual - might have to see if I can source some bits like this and have a try myself :)

    Life in a Break Down

  2. Those came out so darling. I love the label! What a great way to package the candles.

  3. love it! i have a crate just sitting around waiting to turn into something fabulous! i think i found it :)

  4. Oh my gosh! This is just so cute and perfect for the upcoming season! Love it! Thanks so much for sharing at Mom On Timeout!
