

Yay! My 2nd Liebster Blog Award

This morning I received an email from Kim at Making My Pinterest My Reality nominating me for my 2nd Liebster Blog Award.  Thank you Kim! I am follower of Kims blog you should check it out! "Liebster" means "Dearest" in German and the award is a "share the love arrangement" that is given to inspirational bloggers with less than 200 followers.  There is a list of things that recipients are required to do upon receiving the award. This time it is a little different I am suppose to share 5 random facts.  So here it goes......

1. I drink too much Mountain Dew
2. I don't eat hot dogs or sea food
3. I live in Minnesota where it is stinkin hot today!
4. I love having bonfires with my kids
5. I love shopping at Trader Joes!

I think those are pretty random :)

    Here are the rules for the blogs I've chosen: 
  1. Post about your win.
  2. Link back to the blogger who presented you with the award and follow their blog.
  3. Copy and paste the award button to your blog (right click on the image and save).
  4. Present the Liebster Award to 5 blogs that have fewer than 200 followers that you think deserves to be recognized.
  5. Let them know by leaving them a comment on their blog.
  6. Share 5 random facts about yourself  

Here are the 5 blogs awarded the Liebster Blog Award:

JoAnn @ Sweet Pepper Rose
Jeanne @ Luv 2 Stitch
Hopes and Dreams Studio
Amanda@Mommy is CooCoo
Holly@Sunshine State of Mind

Congrats Ladies!


  1. Hi Paula! thank you so much for nominating my blog. I truly appreciate it.

  2. Congratulations on your award! :-) I LOVE Trader Joes, but haven't been able to find any near me as of yet :-( (DFW, Texas area). Enjoy some Trader Joe's brand Pirate's Booty for me!

    I'm now following you from the "under 300 followers" blog hop! I hope you'll get the chance to come check out my blog HERE! and follow me back :-)

    I appreciate the support! Have a great week! :-)

    Sarah B Texas @ City Girl Gone Country

  3. Congrats on your award I just received my first. I am now following you on GFC. I would love for you to visit, follow back and maybe even link up on my linky party.
    Marcie @ I Gotta Try That
